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Table 'ksfbw.p8_sort' doesn't exist
1146 Atmospheric and Climate Sciences 大气和气候科学 - - 快速论文发表网_快速发表论文

Atmospheric and Climate Sciences 大气和气候科学

作者:时间:2017-04-11 10:58:53  来源:  阅读次数:1135次 ]

Atmospheric and Climate Sciences 大气和气候科学

ISSN Print: 2160-0414

ISSN Online: 2160-0422

Atmospheric and Climate Sciences (ACS) is an openly accessible journal published quarterly. ACS aims to rapidly publish original scientific papers in all the fields of applied and/or climate atmospheric science. 

It covers the latest achievements and developments in the applied climate and atmospheric sciences, including but not limited to the following scopes as well as the theoretical and practical aspects of these disciplines:


  • · Agricultural climatology
  • · Air chemistry and the boundary layer, clouds and weather modification
  • · Air quality, atmosphere & health
  • · Applied meteorology
  • · Atmospheric acoustics, electricity, optics, physics, radiation and sounding
  • · Atmospheric and oceanic physics
  • · Atmospheric and solar-terrestrial physics
  • · Atmospheric chemistry
  • · Atmospheric environment
  • · Aviation climatology
  • · Biometeorology
  • · Building climatology and forestry climatology
  • · Climate change and broadcast meteorology
  • · Climate dynamics and variability
  • · Climate policy
  • · Clouds and precipitation physics
  • · Cosmical meteorology
  • · Dendroclimatology
  • · Dynamics of atmospheres and ocean
  • · Hydrology, oceans and atmosphere
  • · Hydrometeorology
  • · Marine meteorology and meteorology-associated geophysics
  • · Medical meteorology and medical climatology
  • · Meteorological, climatological and atmospheric environmental issues
  • · Navigation climatology
  • · Phenology and paleoclimatology
  • · Polar meteorology
  • · Radar meteorology and radio meteorology
  • · Remote sensing
  • · Satellite meteorology and synoptic meteorology
  • · Theoretical and applied climatology
  • · Tropical meteorology
  • · Weather systems, numerical weather prediction

    We are also interested in short papers, as in the form of a letter, that clearly address a specific narrow problem and in papers that survey problems and new results pertaining to a certain topic. Authors may be invited to write short papers on the same topic in more than one successive issue of ACS.

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