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1146 Journal of Water Resource and Protection 水资源与保护杂志 - - 快速论文发表网_快速发表论文

Journal of Water Resource and Protection 水资源与保护杂志

作者:时间:2017-04-12 10:30:35  来源:  阅读次数:1173次 ]
JWARP2015012714133941 (1).jpg

Journal of Water Resource and Protection 水资源与保护杂志

ISSN Print: 1945-3094

ISSN Online: 1945-3108

Journal of Water Resource and Protection (JWARP) is an openly accessible journal published monthly. The goal of this journal is to keep a record of the state-of-the-art research and promote the research work in these fast moving areas.


  • · Agricultural Water Management
  • · Ecological Restoration and Receiving Water Impacts
  • · Economic, Sociological, and Environmental Considerations of Water Resources
  • · Fresh Water Security
  • · Ground Water Monitoring & Modeling
  • · Industrial Ecology and Water Sustainability
  • · Innovative Technologies and Engineering Solutions for Water Resources Protection
  • · Marine and Freshwater Conservation
  • · Mine Water and the Environment
  • · Monitoring, Modeling and Prediction of Water Pollution
  • · Remote Sensing for Water Resources Management
  • · Sea Water Utilization
  • · Stormwater Management and Low Impact Development
  • · Surface runoff and Ground Water Pollution Control
  • · Urban Water
  • · Water and Environment
  • · Water Infrastructure and Life Cycle Assessment
  • · Water Policy and Governance
  • · Water Purification and Wastewater Treatment
  • · Water Quality Management and Ecosystems Modeling
  • · Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment
  • · Water Quality, Pollutant Exposure and Health
  • · Water Research & Education
  • · Water Resources and Climatic Change
  • · Water Resources Protection and Management
  • · Water Resources Restoration and Sustainable Use

    We are also interested in short papers (letters) that clearly address a specific problem, and short survey or position papers that sketch the results or problems on a specific topic. Authors of selected short papers would be invited to write a regular paper on the same topic for future issues of the JWARP

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