American Journal of Industrial and Business Management 美国工业与商业杂志
American Journal of Industrial and Business Management 美国工业与商业杂志
ISSN Print: 2164-5167
ISSN Online: 2164-5175
American Journal of Industrial and Business Management (AJIBM) is an international journal dedicated to publishing high quality, original papers, and research developments in theories and applications in all areas of industrial and business management. AJIBM covers the following topics:
Accounting, Auditing and Taxation
Accounting Information Systems
Business Economics
Business Intelligence and Strategy
Finance and Investment
General Business Research
Human Resources Management
Marketing Theory and Applications
Organization Studies
Operations Management
Risk Management
Facilities Planning & Materials Handling
Human Factors, Ergonomics and Safety
Manufacturing, Control and Automation
Operations Management
Operations Research
Optimization Theory and Applications
Planning, Scheduling, and Project Management
Production, Inventory Management, and Logistics
Reliability, Quality Management
Transportation, Supply Chain Management
Computational Intelligence
Decision Support Systems
Information Management
Innovation, Technology Management
Management Information Systems
Modeling and Simulation of Industrial and Business Systems
Environment and Energy Management
General Management
Health Care Systems and Management
Stochastic Models and Statistics in Industrial and Business Applications
Other related topics are also welcome. All manuscripts must be prepared in English and are subject to a rigorous and fair peer-review process. AJIBM contains the following types of papers: (1) Research articles, show original research results that contribute to the theory, methodology, and applications of industrial and business management. (2) Invited reviews, present the developments in industrial and business management topics over the recent years.
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